Greenhouse Shade Cloth (可变)

Greenhouse Shade Cloth (可变)

Shade screens have shading capabilities ranging between 8% and 95%, making it possible to adapt the system to crop requirements.
They can be put to a variety of uses in tunnels and horticultural greenhouses, and outdoors under framework.


Shade Screen(Shade net, Shade cloth) is used to provide shade against sunlight and to control the temperature.

It can also be used to protect flowers, trees against frost, wind and hail damage. It can also used for temporary fencing, packaging applications, greenhouse covering.

Shade netting is used to lessen the effects of light during the summer.

Our screens have shading capabilities ranging between 8% and 95%, making it possible to adapt the system to crop requirements.

They can be put to a variety of uses in tunnels and horticultural greenhouses, and outdoors under framework.


– High strength, durable

– Restricted UV action.

– Reduced crop desiccation.

– Improved ventilation.

– Reduction in temperature range variations.

– Recyclable and environment friendly


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